
(, SCS.rwu、法律.rwu and other official university websites residing on the main content management system)

RWU.edu是, 对于许多, 与大学的第一个接触点, and carries an important role in communicating the University’s brand both externally and internally.  In order to maintain consistency of message and a unified user experience, 并支持整个品牌, there are certain baseline standards that must be maintained across the official University website. 这包括, 但不限于网站页眉和页脚, 主要(英雄)形象, 颜色托盘, 排版, 导航和布局.  除了, websites must adhere to existing laws and policies governing acceptable use of information technology resources and brand standards. The University retains the right to revise these guidelines as well as modify or delete websites that do not meet acceptable use guidelines or the standards outlined.

While the content management system (CMS) is designed to maintain consistency, flexibility has been built into the system including several header variations based on the site architecture location and audience, 大量可用的布局选项, dozens of widgets and components to display custom dynamic content, a significant portion of page real estate to add and manage content, 以及添加图片库的功能, video, 文件等. The purpose of this is to inform common usages and standards.  If you have questions not specifically covered 请填写我们的联系表格. 


Copyrighted material and imagery must not appear on any web page without the permission of and an acknowledgment to the copyright holder for the specified use. University websites may link to appropriate social networks.

With the exception of sites with approved contractual obligations or business agreements with Roger Williams University, 不允许在RWU网站上做广告. 例如:老鹰.网站,这是外包给Sidearm体育. In certain circumstances, partnerships with external firms are permitted to be displayed.

Web pages displaying or requesting non-public and/or sensitive data, 比如社会保障, 出生日期和身份证号, must be hosted on a secure web server and use an encrypted HTTPS communication protocol. In some cases the requester may need to purchase and maintain a secure certificate if needed to match a sub-domain. 


The two primary website administrator roles are Group Editor and Group Publisher.  Editors are permitted to edit page content within the purview of their specific group but not publish to the live website.  发布者可以编辑和发布内容.  Because of the wide variety of departments and groups across the University, 没有统一的编辑/发布工作流.  It is up to the discretion of each group to determine the most efficient method of editing and publishing changes to their particular area.  We do advise that all edits be reviewed prior to publishing and that all content under a group’s purview be reviewed regularly and kept accurate and up to date. If you encounter inaccurate content that is not accessible with your group’s permissions or maintained by you, 请填写我们的联系表格 with a link to the page and describe the issue.

如果需要添加其他用户, 新图像, 功能, 导航项, 或者更改不在您的组权限范围内, 请填写我们的联系表格.
